Sunday, February 20, 2005

Busy Theatrical Week


The end of a busy week, made up of personal theatrics (which I alluded to in Tuesday's biblical post) and the LS North HS production of Trojan Women by Euripides.

Greek tragedy is not exactly the common bill-of-fare for modern American audiences and this excellent production asks a lot in it's 90minute single act. I can't find an on-line translation of the very accessible version they are using, and the director, a good friend, has also updated the setting. In the vein of Peter sellers in the Opera world and Kenneth Branagh's Shakespeare movies, his stage and costumes are of an indeterminate, but much more modern era.

All in all an excellent production and deserving of larger audiences than they will garner.

My meager contribution was in producing a photographic record. I used only available light with my best digital camera and am quite pleased with the results.

All in all a busy, but rewarding week.

I have quite enjoyed each performance so far.
I look forward to the repeat performances Fri. and Sat. of next week.


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