Thursday, June 03, 2004

A Contrast: John Kerry and the President

John Kerry is the quintessential high-brow New Englander.

The President isn't from either fashionable coast. He hails from "fly-over' country.

John Kerry married 'old money' and is by any standards, 'well off'.

The President's detractors will never forget his political benefactor, without whom, his political career would have been impossible.

John Kerry is erudite, smooth, well-spoken.

The President is viewed as somewhat of a hick, crude, rough around the edges and well-known for his folksy sayings. He's even been seen wearing a Stetson!

John Kerry moves in the circles of high society.

The President would prefer to spend time in his modest house back home as the White House. He would happily give up a state dinner for the chance to spend time alone with his Wife or Daughter.

John Kerry is a life-long public servant with impeccable credentials.

The President had a somewhat checkered early career, with well-publicized failures. After a successful mid-life career change, he moved into the political arena.

John Kerry is a decorated war hero, but came home to lead the protests of that same war. He has many reservations about our present war footing.

The President will be shown by history as an outstanding war-time President. The first conflict, clearly precipitated by an unexpected attack, ended decisively. In the second conflict, the President lead a new coalition of allies. He knows leadership requires difficult decisions.

John Kerry has called for the resignation officials within the administration for various perceived failures.

The President demonstrated his loyalty to friends, even when it was im-politic.

John Kerry, is the darling of the media.

Some in the media would predict the defeat of the President, even before the votes are tallied.

John Kerry is the presumptive Democratic candidate.

And the President?

Is Harry S Truman.

The 10:00 news has just announced that Kerry has left the downtown airport, after a 22hour, "The Buc Stops Here" tour of the area.

To paraphrase another Democratic candidate:
Mr. Kerry, you're no Harry Truman.


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