Most Unique Day of the Year (Numerically Speaking)
Today is so unique it will not only happen once this year, but only once this century.
It is 05-05-05.
I could swear I had made note of the similar 04-04-04 event last year, but, could not find it. What can I say? The first thing to go is your memory and I can't remember the second thing... ;-)
As this a remark on the Gregorian calendar, a commonly used device used to measure time, I shall continue in that vein.
I have been in a time-sensitive mode of late. I know the posts have been few and far between. In fact, this posting will be almost a full month from the last. Where has the time gone?
I will not go into details, but the synopsis is:
It is amazing how full your calendar gets at the end of the school year with two daughters active in the performing arts. Add to that an extra high-school Senior who in the house and I have been one busy Dad.
I have not been active here on the blog, and have fallen behind in most of my 'regular' reading of other blogs and techy web-sites.
I also confess I have picked up a new tech addiction.
I started downloading some in Houston last month and the list has grown.
More on this later, including some audio-blogs/podcasts of my own.
Coming soon to a blog near you. (You are looking at this blog right now, yes? Does that count as 'near' in cyber-space?)
I also have worked on some posts in off-line mode and plan on post-posting them, so scroll back into the past and see what I write there in the future. (Is this confusing, or what? '->)
Anyway, here's hoping you had a Funf-tastic Day!
Down with the French!
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