MrGadgets Almanac of Techie Wizardry & Travel Compendium
A rambling mix of things that interest me (In no particuar order): Technology,Science,Art,Commerce (Much more than just the interchange of money. What exactly is money anyway?) Politics,Weight-Loss - Specifically Low-Carb, Spiritual Paths as Oppossed Organized Religion,Music,Celtic Music,Bluegrass,Cowboy Music,The latest book I am reading. (Usually Sci-Fi/Fantasy) The lastest book I am writing. (Same) Grail Lore,My latest travels & tips,WiFI access,Coffee,&Everything else...
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Ice Dragon on Flickr - Photo Sharing!

The hard to spot Ice Dragon was having a munch on some leaves this morning as the newly Waxing Sun melted the remnants of yesterday's snow. Lucky for us he is an Herbivore!! ;-)
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Spicebird | Open Source Collaboration

Spicebird is your one platform for many collaboration needs. It provides e-mail, calendaring and instant messaging with intuitive integration and unlimited extensibility.
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Saturday, March 28, 2009
^txt2regex$ - The console Regular Expression Wizard
Txt2regex is a Regular Expression Wizard that converts human sentences to regexes. In a simple *interactive* console interface, the user answer questions and the program build the regexes for more than *20 programs*, like Vim, Emacs, Perl, PHP, Python, Procmail and It is a *Shell Script* 100% written with Bash builtin commands. No compilation or extra commands are needed, just download and run.
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Keyboard shortcuts - Gmail Help
Keyboard shortcuts
To turn these case-sensitive shortcuts on or off, click Settings, and then pick an option next to Keyboard shortcuts.
Shortcut Key | Definition | Action |
c | Compose | Allows you to compose a new message. <Shift> + c allows you to compose a message in a new window. |
/ | Search | Puts your cursor in the search box. |
k | Move to newer conversation | Opens or moves your cursor to a more recent conversation. You can hit <Enter> to expand a conversation. |
j | Move to older conversation | Opens or moves your cursor to the next oldest conversation. You can hit <Enter> to expand a conversation. |
n | Next message | Moves your cursor to the next message. You can hit <Enter> to expand or collapse a message. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.') |
p | Previous message | Moves your cursor to the previous message. You can hit <Enter> to expand or collapse a message. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.') |
o or <Enter> | Open | Opens your conversation. Also expands or collapses a message if you are in 'Conversation View.' |
u | Return to conversation list | Refreshes your page and returns you to the inbox, or list of conversations. |
e | Archive | Archive your conversation from any view. |
m | Mute | Archives the conversation, and all future messages skip the Inbox unless sent or cc'd directly to you. Learn more. |
x | Select conversation | Automatically checks and selects a conversation so that you can archive, apply a label, or choose an action from the drop-down menu to apply to that conversation. |
s | Star a message or conversation | Adds or removes a star to a message or conversation. Stars allow you to give a message or conversation a special status. |
! | Report spam | Marks a message as spam and removes it from your conversation list. |
r | Reply | Replies to the message sender. <Shift> + r allows you to reply to a message in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.') |
a | Reply all | Replies to all message recipients. <Shift> +a allows you to reply to all message recipients in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.') |
f | Forward | Forwards a message. <Shift> + f allows you to forward a message in a new window. (Only applicable in 'Conversation View.') |
<Esc> | Escape from input field | Removes the cursor from your current input field. |
<Ctrl> + s | Save draft | Saves the current text as a draft when composing a message. Hold the <Ctrl> key while pressing s and make sure your cursor is in one of the text fields -- either the composition pane, or any of the To, CC, BCC, or Subject fields -- when using this shortcut. |
# | Delete | Moves the conversation to Trash. |
l | Label | Opens the Labels menu to label a conversation. |
v | Move to | Moves the conversation from the inbox to a different label, Spam or Trash. |
<Shift> + i | Mark as read | Marks your message as 'read' and skip to the next message. |
<Shift> + u | Mark as unread | Marks your message as 'unread' so you can go back to it later. |
[ | Archive and previous | Archives your conversation and moves to the previous one. |
] | Archive and next | Archives your conversation and moves to the next one. |
z | Undo | Undoes your previous action, if possible (works for actions with an 'undo' link). |
<Shift> + n | Update current conversation | Updates your current conversation when there are new messages. |
q | Move cursor to chat search | Moves your cursor directly to the chat search box. |
y | Remove from Current View* | Automatically removes the message or conversation from your current view.
. | Show more actions | Displays the 'More Actions' drop-down menu. |
? | Show keyboard shortcuts help | Displays the keyboard shortcuts help menu within any page you're on. |
Combo-keys - Use the following combinations of keys to navigate through Gmail.
Shortcut Key | Definition | Action |
<tab> then <Enter> | Send message | After composing your message, use this combination to send it automatically. (Supported in Internet Explorer and Firefox, on Windows.) |
y then o | Archive and next | Archives your conversation and moves to the next one. |
g then a | Go to 'All Mail' | Takes you to 'All Mail,' the storage site for all mail you've ever sent or received (and have not deleted). |
g then s | Go to 'Starred' | Takes you to all conversations you have starred. |
g then c | Go to 'Contacts' | Takes you to your Contacts list. |
g then d | Go to 'Drafts' | Takes you to all drafts you have saved. |
g then i | Go to 'Inbox' | Returns you to the inbox. |
g then t | Go to 'Sent Mail' | Takes you to all mail you've sent. |
* then a | Select all | Selects all mail. |
* then n | Select none | Deselects all mail. |
* then r | Select read | Selects all mail you've read. |
* then u | Select unread | Selects all unread mail. |
* then s | Select starred | Selects all starred mail. |
* then t | Select unstarred | Selects all unstarred mail. |
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VirtualBox 2.1 for Mac OS X is Open Source Mac Virtualization : Palluxo! Mac Dose of All Things Apple
Friday, March 27, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Twyt - A Twitter API interface for Python - Andrew Price
Andrew Price - Twyt ----
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Tracking Commits With Twitter And Twyt
Tracking Commits With Twitter And Twyt --
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Liquidware Antipasto: The For-Profit Business Model for Open Source Development
Liquidware Antipasto: The For-Profit Business Model for Open Source Development --
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Liquidware : Home
Liquidware : Home ----
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Remote shutdown your Windows XP machine with a text message and Outlook - Tim Matheson Blog
Tim Matheson Blog - Productive Tips and More // --
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Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Evernote Blog » Blog Archive » Evernote Podcast #1: Welcome Welcome
Use EverNote? Listen to Podcasts? Perfect!
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Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Nathan R. Hale » Can We Really Own Ideas?
Of all the excellent ideas I have heard from my friend @nathanrhale
this may just be the most interesting...
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Arlene Radasky’s Free E-Books
First Book
-The Fox
Historical Fiction, Fantasy Book
The story of a first century Druid, his family, and
the modern Archaeologist who finds them.
Download at FREE
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Greetings and Welcome! :: OBOD :: The Order of Bards Ovates & Druids :: Druid Grove :: Druidism & Druidry as a spiritual path, Druid history, Bards, Ovates & Druids ancient and modern
Wink - [Homepage]
Introducing Wink...
Wink is a Tutorial and Presentation creation software, primarily aimed at creating tutorials on how to use software (like a tutor for MS-Word/Excel etc). Using Wink you can capture screenshots, add explanations boxes, buttons, titles etc and generate a highly effective tutorial for your users.
Freeware: Distributed as freeware for business or personal use. However if you want to redistribute Wink, you need to get permission from the author.
Cross-Platform: Available for all flavours of Windows and various versions of Linux (x86 only).
Audio: Record voice as you create the tutorial for explaining better.
Input formats: Capture screenshots from your PC, or use images in BMP/JPG/PNG/TIFF/GIF formats.
Output formats: Macromedia Flash, Standalone EXE, PDF, PostScript, HTML or any of the above image formats. Use Flash/html for the web, EXE for distributing to PC users and PDF for printable manuals.
Performance/Quality: Creates highly compressed Flash presentations (few kbs to few hundreds of kbs, much smaller than competing commercial products) ideal for using on the web.
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MONO PHOTOGRAPHY Black White Fine Art Prints Donald Cameron
He captures the Ancient Home in Black and White and Grey...
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wikidPad Trac Homepage
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Fluid - Free Site Specific Browser for Mac OS X Leopard
kwiry - text it before you forget it
seeit. text it. get it online.
Effortlessly text, email, speak, or photograph what you need to remember.
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Monday, March 23, 2009
EtherPad: Really real-time collaboration

EtherPad: Really real-time collaboration
EtherPad lets multiple people work on the same text simultaneously.
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ApacheCon - ApacheCon Europe 2009

ApacheCon Europe 2009
23-27 March 2009 | Mövenpick Hotel, Amsterdam
Featured Keynotes
Available FREE on Live Video
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Sunday, March 22, 2009
Qtpfsgui - Home
Qtpfsgui is an open source graphical user interface application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging.
Supported HDR formats:- OpenEXR (extension: exr)
- Radiance RGBE (extension: hdr)
- Tiff formats: 16bit, 32bit (float) and LogLuv (extension: tiff)
- Raw image formats (extension: various)
- PFS native format (extension: pfs)
- JPEG, PNG, PPM, PBM, TIFF(8 bit)
- Create an HDR file from a set of images (formats: JPEG, TIFF 8bit and 16bit, RAW) of the same scene taken at different exposure setting.
- Save and load HDR images.
- Rotate and resize HDR images.
- Tonemap HDR images.
- Copy exif data between sets of images.
- Supports internationalization.
A wiki space provided by Sourceforge acts a central place for all the documentation.
A great deal of discussions and images related to Qtpfsgui can be found on flickr.
If you want to contribute translating Qtpfsgui for your language here's an howto that explains the procedure to become a maintainer.
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Ubuntu Tutorials : Dapper - Gutsy - Hardy - Intrepid / How To Convert VMWare Image (.vmdk) to VirtualBox Image (.vdi)
A March photograph of the Atholl Fountain, Dunkeld, Perthshir... on TwitPic
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Ubuntu Tutorials : Dapper - Gutsy - Hardy - Intrepid / How to do almost anything on your Ubuntu desktop, laptop or server. Regular tips on installing, configuring and making your Ubuntu system as effective as you need it to be.
Work on Stuff that Matters: First Principles - O'Reilly Radar
So, you are not an Artist? Doesn't mean you can't still Change the World.
Just: Work on Stuff That Matters...
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Welcom to AirTrain Newark

via @felmey Newark Airport Airtrain Is Great Option To NYC: Much easier than LaGuardia or JFK if you need to get to Manhattan
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Code Project: Create a web server in Ruby | TuxRadar

I vacillate, Python or Ruby? Anybody?? I am open to suggestions.
206-222-2022 OR OR Tweet me:
via TuxRadar
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The Artist's Path - The Artist's Challenge - The Artist's Life Well Lived
Lessons I Learned from my firend Molly.
About Music, about Life about Life as an Artist.
I have been reflecting on the life of my oldest friend in the musical world.
In the Kansas City Star story my old friend Bob Brand mentioned Molly's empathy for the Artist, but remembered her exacting standards for the Art. The Yahoo News story also mentions the high musical standards, tempered by her skill in working with Actors.
Molly inherently realized what has been recently made the tour of headlines: 10000 hours.
The old joke really is true. The way to get to Carnegie Hall IS practice.
Whatever your medium. Whatever your tools. To become and Artist, you must first become a Journeyman Craftsman. You must know your medium and your chosen tool/instrument intimately. It must be second-nature, to consistently produce Art.
A person may be at the right place at the right time. Their point-and-shoot camera may perfectly expose the photograph. They may have an inherent sense of composition, or just happen to achieve the perfect framing. In short, anyone MIGHT be able to capture a truly great, breath-taking, life-changing picture.
They are just lucky.
To consistently take great photographs, one must understand composition, exposure, depth-of-field and a myriad of other factors. AND they must be so familiar with these concepts and their equipment, to be ready to capture that moment in time that becomes a great photograph.
Doing this consistently, makes one an Artist.
This is the limit of my comentary in the visual-arts world, as I can barely draw a straight line WITH a ruler. ;-) I feel that the principle should hold for the other visual mediums. The tools change, but one thing remains constant:
One must master Technique to consistently produce Art.
This of primary concern in the Performing Arts.
Only by eliminating any thought I have to HOW you are playing/singing/speaking this particular piece/song/dialog can you bring me into that special magical place where a performance trancends into Art.
Those of us who spend far too much of our lives in and around theaters, understand this. Or we should. Molly did. We have difficult challenges. We have to convince our audience of so many things.
That a few pieces of muslin, painted with skill are a Castle in Scotland.
That a few lights, pointed and filtered with care, are dappled sunshine.
That the Actor born in Raytown, is actually a Danish Prince.
And if any of these and all the the other hundred things that make the theatrical experience fail. That magical suspension bridge across the chasm of dis-belief crashes downward.
Molly started teaching me that lesson when we first meet, all those years ago, when that scared 9th grade boy closed his eyes during his first solo. And she taught it to generations of Actors and Singers.
And this is the Artist Path. To practice your Art. To hone your skills. To be prepared to create magic through your Medium.
Touch the World with and through your Art.
The Artist Challenge is to pass this knowledge on to fellow Artist. Molly accomplished this in so many ways. You Teach the World lessons through your Art. You make them think in new and exciting ways. But to maximize your impact on the world, to leverage your influence, teach other Artists the path. Not just through the studio or the class-room, but in everything you do. What do your fellow writers learn when you review their latest story? What do your fellow Actors learn from your rehearsal ethic?
Teach the World with and through your Art.
Great Art affects those who experience it. It changes them. It makes them, dare I say it?
Better Human Beings.
Transform the World with and through your Art.
Touch - Teach - Transform
This is the Challenge. This is the Artist Life, Well Lived.
This is the lesson I learned from my friend Molly.
Now, Go out and Change the World.

Goodies | Tumblr
Hmmm, since Posterous posts this automatically to Tumblr, will I get a feedback loop? ;-)
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YABS => New Tumblr Account!

In an attack of Yet Another Blogging Site I have set up a Tumblr account! ;-)
It is, what else? Say it with me!
More 2 come! ;-)
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Friday, March 20, 2009
Stop Telling sudo Your Password | Linux Journal
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What is dying? - by Bishop Brent
Also read at Molly's service
*What is dying?*
*A ship sails and I stand watching till she fades on the horizon, and someone says, "she is gone".*
*Gone where? Gone from my sight, that is all; she is just as large as when I saw her...*
*The diminished size and total loss of sight is in me, not in her, and just at the moment when someone says "she is gone", there are others who are watching her coming, and other voices take up a glad shout, "there she comes!"...*
*and that is dying.
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MY RANDOM THOUGHTS: I've Learned That...By Maya Angelou
I've learned that making a "living" is not the same thing as making a "life."
Molly requested this be read at her funeral:
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Thursday, March 19, 2009
Kansas City Theater Legend Takes on Heavenly Role
My oldest friend in the Musical World has passed and she will be missed.
What a Life, Well Lived.
Molly Jessup, Teacher, Mentor, Compatriot, Friend.
Conductor, Musical Director, Accompanist, Composer.
For the Musical Theater World in KC MO, she truly was
The Mother of Us All
Miss you SweetHeart.
Molly Jessup, veteran musical director on KC theater scene, dies at 66
- Kansas City Star
Molly Jessup, Trusted Music Director in Kansas City, Dead at 66
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Molly Jessup, veteran musical director on KC theater scene, dies at 66 - Kansas City Star
My oldest friend in the Musical World has passed and she will be missed.
What a Life, Well Lived.
Molly Jessup, Teacher, Mentor, Compatriot, Friend.
Conductor, Musical Director, Accompanist, Composer.
For the Musical Theater World in KC MO, she truly was
The Mother of Us All
Miss you SweetHeart.
Molly Jessup, veteran musical director on KC theater scene, dies at 66 - Kansas City Star
Molly Jessup, Trusted Music Director in Kansas City, Dead at 66
"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience; we are spiritual beings having a human experience." ~ Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
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Students tie £56 camera to balloon and send it to edge of space to capture stunning images of Earth | Mail Online
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
linuxcaffe | 326 harbord street, toronto, on, m6g 3a4
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