MrGadgets Almanac of Techie Wizardry & Travel Compendium
A rambling mix of things that interest me (In no particuar order): Technology,Science,Art,Commerce (Much more than just the interchange of money. What exactly is money anyway?) Politics,Weight-Loss - Specifically Low-Carb, Spiritual Paths as Oppossed Organized Religion,Music,Celtic Music,Bluegrass,Cowboy Music,The latest book I am reading. (Usually Sci-Fi/Fantasy) The lastest book I am writing. (Same) Grail Lore,My latest travels & tips,WiFI access,Coffee,&Everything else...
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Friday, October 29, 2010
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Vernor Vinge - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Grimm's World (1969), revised as Tatja Grimm's World (1987)
The Witling (1976)
The Peace War (1984) — Hugo Award nominee, 1985[1]
Marooned in Realtime (1986) — Prometheus Award winner, Hugo Award
nominee, 1987[2]
(The Peace War and Marooned in Realtime were collected as Across
Realtime in 2000.)
Rainbows End ISBN 0-312-85684-9 (2006) — Hugo and Locus SF Awards
winner, 2007;[7] Campbell Award nominee, 2007[7]
[edit]Zones of Thought series
A Fire Upon the Deep (1992) — Nebula Award nominee, 1992;[11] Hugo
Award winner, 1993;[3] Campbell and Locus SF Awards nominee, 1993[3]
A Deepness in the Sky (1999) — Nebula Award nominee, 1999;[12]
Hugo,[4] Campbell,[4] and Prometheus Awards winner, 2000; Clarke and
Locus SF Awards nominee, 2000[4]
True Names ... and Other Dangers ISBN 0-671-65363-6
"Bookworm, Run!"
"True Names" (1981, winner 2007 Prometheus Hall of Fame Award)
"The Peddler's Apprentice" (with Joan D. Vinge)
"The Ungoverned" (occurs in the same milieu as The Peace War and
Marooned in Realtime)
"Long Shot"
Threats... and Other Promises ISBN 0-671-69790-0 (These two volumes
collect Vinge's short fiction through the early 1990s.)
"Conquest by Default" (occurs in the same milieu as "Apartness")
"The Whirligig of Time"
"Just Peace" (with William Rupp)
"Original Sin"
"The Blabber" (occurs in the same milieu as A Fire Upon the Deep)
Across Realtime ISBN 0-671-72098-8
The Peace War
The Ungoverned
Marooned in Realtime
True Names and the Opening of the Cyberspace Frontier ISBN
0-312-86207-5 (contains "True Names" plus essays by others)
The Collected Stories of Vernor Vinge ISBN 0-312-87373-5 (hardcover)
or ISBN 0-312-87584-3 (paperback) (This volume collects Vinge's short
fiction through 2001, including Vinge's comments from the earlier two
"Bookworm, Run!"
"The Accomplice"
"The Peddler's Apprentice" (with Joan D. Vinge)
"The Ungoverned"
"Long Shot"
"Conquest by Default"
"The Whirligig of Time"
"Bomb Scare"
"The Science Fair"
"Just Peace" (with William Rupp)
"Original Sin"
"The Blabber"
"Win A Nobel Prize!" (originally published in Nature, Vol 407 No 6805 "Futures")
"The Barbarian Princess" (this is also the first section of "Tatja
Grimm's World")
"Fast Times at Fairmont High" (occurs in the same milieu as Rainbows
End) (winner 2002 Hugo Award for Best Novella)
[edit]Uncollected short fiction
"Grimm's Story" (Orbit (anthology series) 4, 1968)
"A Dry Martini" (The 60th World Science Fiction Convention ConJosé
Restaurant Guide, page 60)
"The Cookie Monster" (Analog Science Fiction, October 2003) (winner
2004 Hugo Award for Best Novella)
"Synthetic Serendipity", IEEE Spectrum Online, 30 June 2004[13]
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Ebooks | BooksOnBoard | Online eBook Store, Downloadable Audio Books, Digital eBooks | Ebooks | BooksOnBoard
Monday, October 25, 2010
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Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Zmanda: The Leader in Open Source Backup & Cloud Backup
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Linux on your Apple Mac | iLinux • View topic - Linux Mint for PPC installed on G4 iMac
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Thursday, October 14, 2010
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
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Monday, October 11, 2010
Debian Linux remove unwanted packages and files to reclaim disk space
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Wednesday, October 06, 2010
eBookMall Plain Text eBookstore - Plain Text eBooks
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HTML Code Tutorial - Free Reference Guide for Help with HTML Tags Including Form, Frames, Tables, and more!
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HTML Code Tutorial - Free Reference Guide for Help with HTML Tags Including Form, Frames, Tables, and more!
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